PHILIPS yang H.E.C.A jual 100% Original dan bergaransi Resmi.
Di masa merebaknya wabah COVID-19 di tahun ini, kita membutuhkan sebuah solusi untuk mengurangi resiko tertular virus ditengah kesibukan kita sehari-hari, khususnya saat bepergian dan di dalam kendaraan. Philips Go Pure Car Air Purifier adalah salah satu solusi tersebut, dimana alat ini berfungsi untuk membersihkan sirkulasi udara di dalam mobil, sekaligus membunuh virus, bakteri, kuman-kuman penyakit, dan berbagai zat berbahaya lainnya yang ada di udara. Pastikan anda memiliki Philips Go Pure ini dan dapatkan Produk yang Original .
*feature of product*
∙ With an intense UVC LED lamp, it can kill 99.9% of bacteria in just 50 seconds.
∙ It captures 99% of particles of 0.004um smaller than virus and bacteria particle size.
∙ Only 270-280mm ultraviolet rays, the optimal wavelength for removing microorganisms in the air
∙ Neutralizes chemical gases and unpleasant odors 365 days a year.
∙ The components of the HESAMax cartridge are even when the two HESA materials are turned off.
It absorbs and removes chemicals and odors 24 hours a day.
∙ Low noise and two levels of boost can be adjusted, and when the replacement time comes, the blue LED lamp
∙ The stylish design makes it easy to use and install.
*Product specifications*
∙ Color Type: Silver
∙ Configuration: Main body, 1m USB-C cable, manual
∙ Speed setting: 2 quiet/boost
∙ Compatible filter: SNF100, HESA60
∙ Rated voltage: DC5V / 1A, 5W
∙ Size: 260*76 mm, 375 g